Nordhoff Junior High & High School
1401 Maricopa Hwy, Ojai, CA 93023
(805) 640-4343 x1861
Audition Information
Read all information carefully
Students do not need to audition to be in Symphonic Band, however
Students that do audition will be seated within sections based on the results of their audition (and in some sections be placed into 1st, 2nd or 3rd parts)
Students are eligible to be placed in Wind Ensemble (honors) by auditioning with the "High School" audition music in addition to the "Middle School" music
Thoughts while you prepare for your audition:
Auditions will take place the first week of school - you must sign up for an audition time online here (link will be active in August).​
Be sure to identify all tempos, dynamics, articulations, repeats, etc. as notated in the music.
Practice with other students to better prepare.